Sunset Scene

The Ragtag Daily Prompt word for today is EASYGOING

and my response will be this poem I wrote one summer evening long ago:


Softly the sun, its course now run,
slips under the rim of sky,
A crimson wedge stains the western edge,
and blushes the clouds up high.

Twilight steals o’er the dappled fields;
far off a coyote howls;
scented stocks perfume garden walks;
the tabby tomcat prowls.

Gentle breeze shakes the aspen leaves
as the red orb slowly sinks
A light rain falls on the cornstalks tall
and the thirsty garden drinks.

Peaceful scene makes my heart serene
as I sit and contemplate
on back porch swing and observe each thing
enriching my small estate.

Thankful praise is my song these days
and I count my blessings all;
Content with my lot on my small plot
watching the twilight fall.

To End All Wars







We prayed for peace, yet
in Sarajevo a shot was fired
and the world exploded
into yet another war.

We prayed this war would
end all wars, that peace would win.
And it worked for awhile,
maybe twenty-odd years.

World War Two; the Cold War;
Korea; Vietnam; the Gulf War;
9/11; Afghanistan; Iraq.
When will they end?

Still we hope and pray for peace
to last — until the next nut
or zealot comes along,
pulls another trigger,
and starts another war.

We sigh and cry for peace,
dreading the next conflict,
yet we never seem to appease
all the fanatics, or
collect all the nuts.


by Edgar A Guest

It’s bedtime and we lock the door,
put out the lights — the day is o’er.
All that can come of good or ill,
the records of this day to fill,
is written down; the worries cease
and old and young may rest in peace.

We knew not when we started out
what dangers hedged us all about,
what little pleasures we should gain,
what should be ours to bear of pain.
But now the fires are burning low,
and this day’s history we know.

No harm has come. The laughter here
has been unbroken by a tear;
we’ve met no hurt too great to bear
we have not had to bow to care;
the children all are safe in bed,
there’s nothing now for us to dread.

When bedtime comes and we can say
that we have safely lived the day,
how sweet the calm that settles down
and shuts away the noisy town!
There is no danger now to fear
until tomorrow shall appear.

When the long bedtime comes, and I
in sleep eternal come to lie—
when life has nothing more in store,
and silently I close the door,
God grant my weary soul may claim
security from hurt and shame.


From Collected Verse of Edgar A. Guest
©1934 by the Reilly & Lee Co.